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You Can Never Get Over with the Beauties of these 10 Medieval Cathedrals in Britain!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 21, 2018 2116
You Can Never Get Over with the Beauties of these 10 Medieval Cathedrals in Britain!
In the time of Medieval Era, many historians living in Britain believed it to be as the “Age of faith”. Many people, who were living in the British Isles followed the religion of Christianity. In the middle ages, many religions had been created and enhanced their framework. At this time, people recommended that “Christianity is the religion which played a leading role in the medieval life than Cathedrals.” They had portrayed these Medieval Cathedrals as grand and gothic, but the two exemplary Westminster Abbey and King’s College Chapel were not designed as Cathedrals, though they have their own worth. The architecture had imposed their bountiful designs by making Arches, spires and vaulted roof in these finest holy places.

1.     Durham Cathedral

  • ·         1093, Durham Castle is an exclusive place that is known by various people and is considered to be the best model of           design in Europe. 
  • ·         Its background is pleasing, sit on the top of the River Wear, the cathedral influences the skyline and emerges above its       cobbled streets and several riverside trails
  • ·         It has a library which contains historic documents as pre-Dissolution simple balance sheet and three replicas of the Magna  Carta.
  • ·         In 1080, William of Calais was chosen as first Bishop of Durham who was the one to construct this cathedral.
  • ·         In 1066, Norman Conquest had planned to project William’s power above the north of England which remained “wild and      fickle” for so long.

2.     Canterbury Cathedral

  • ·         This place was founded for worship in 597
  • ·         This Canterbury Cathedral was built between 1070 and 1077. 
  • ·         This chapel is a place of Thomas Becket. He was the Archbishop who was eminently murdered within the cathedral by the   people of King Henry II.

3.      Christ church Cathedral

  • ·         It was designed between 1160 and 1200.
  • ·         Christ Church Cathedral is situated at the middle of Medieval University Town of Oxford.
  • ·         In 1522, the Church of St Frideswide’s Priory was handed over to Cardinal Wolsey, who had elected it as the location for his planned Oxford College ‘Cardinal College’.
  • ·         In 1529, King Henry VIII had taken over this foundation because of the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer who      was openly dishonored for disloyalty and deviation; his clothes were exposed and his head was bald. 

4.     Southwark Cathedral

  • ·         In 1905, Southwark Cathedral has merely had cathedral status while the formation of the bishopric of Southwark.
  • ·         This is one of the first Gothic structures to be designed in London after Westminster Abbey.
  • ·         Over 1000 years ago, history reveals that this place was for Christian to do worship, it was designed between 1106 and       1538, which was ruling under the Augustinian Priory.
  • ·         After the termination of the Priory, it was transformed into a parish church which was brutally spoiled in the Great fire of        1212.
  • ·         It is Europe’s tallest building known as The Shard, which was composed with the new glass pleasantly accommodate with the medieval stone and express humanity’s ingenuity, progress, and timeless creativity.

5.     Glasgow Cathedral

  • ·          It is one of the Scottish medieval churches (and the only medieval cathedral on the Scottish mainland) which had                 sustained   with the reformation.
  • ·         Before the late, 12 century, it was constructed and served as the place of the Bishop and later on the Archbishop of           Glasgow, set an example of excellent Gothic architecture. 

6.     Winchester Cathedral

  • ·         This worship place was established in 642.
  • ·         Winchester Cathedral was constructed from 1079 and hallowed in 1093.
  • ·         In Europe, it has the longest nave and has a maximum length as compared to other Gothic cathedrals.
  • ·         Many limestones used to manufacture the structure were brought across from quarries in the Isle of Wight.

7.     Bristol Cathedral

  • ·         Organized in 1140 and set apart in 1148, it was initially the St Augustine’s Abbey.
  • ·         In 1542, Later by the Henry VIII’s ending of the abbey, it became the place of the recently constituted Bishop of Bristol and  the cathedral of the latest bishopric of Bristol.

8.     York Minster

  • ·         York Minster is the second biggest cathedral in Britain after St Paul’s and one of the main churches in Europe.
  • ·         Cathedral was declared complete and consecrated in 1472.
  • ·         The location of the church was then started to select and the Cathedral as it survived today, initiated to be created from         1220.
  • ·         In 1250, the north and south transepts were the first structures to be completed.

9.     Hereford Cathedral

  • ·         In the 6th century, the location of the Hereford Cathedral, situated at the center of the Welsh bordering city of Hereford,      consist of the T and O Mappa Mundi, a medieval map of the world dated back from the 13th century.
  • ·          It is the largest medieval map.
  • ·         In 1056, in this location, the church was devastated and burnt by a collective strength of Welsh and Irish by the Welsh        prince, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.
  • ·         In 1079, Robert of Lorraine was made Bishop and worked on its renovation which eventually led to the formation of the        cathedral that stands today.

10.     Lincoln Cathedral

  • ·         It is considered the third biggest Cathedral which is situated in Britain.
  • ·         In 1088, Lincoln Cathedral building was inaugurated. 
  • ·         It was the highest building in the world for 238 years (1311–1549). 
  • ·         In 1549, its inner tower warped and was not remodeled.

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